Christopher Breward Aphorisms Reflection

  1. “Fashion moves in space and time. It shares the complexity of physics and mathematics, making patterns and networks, forming mazes and constellations. Through its forms we have an opportunity to re-unite art and science and to heal the rift of the two cultures.”

Fashion connects with everything, in another word, anything connects with everything. In fashion world, there is a variety of experts who are specialized in different areas, for instance, Issey Miyake, a master of combining both features of paper folding and fabrics, which are structural and fluid, mathematics and the nature. However, I disagree the saying of fashion is an envoy of peace through science and art because fashion does have a tendency towards art whether it’s modern, superficial or “old-fashion”.


  1. “Fashion is intensely personal, in the same way the poetry is intensely personal. It is a medium through which personal stories can be told, memories re-lived and futures foretold.”

The clothes we put on our bodies everyday reveal our habits, interests, tastes and even personalities and so on. Even when I was discussing with my fellow classmate about fashion we tend to hold completely different perspectives: I perceive fashion as  circulation, trends go back and forward, fashion never gets tired; while she believed fashion is what currently happening, one of the social phenomenons. In terms of myself, I’m not able to predict how my dress style will change in the future but I sticks to the concept of minimalism – to limit colors and numbers of layers of my daily dressing.