Learning Portfolio Post #5

I remember very clearly, at the beginning of the semester, I wrote down ‘Fashion is a circulation, it repeats itself through different eras.’ as the first sentence on my small paper of in-class writing. Indeed, I still hold this idea that fashion is the reflection of represent certain period of time, certain groups of people and certain sorts of inspirations. Meanwhile, my friends who set next to me brought up the ideas of ‘Fashion is an identification’ and ‘Fashion is another form of our bodies’ which I also agreed with. Although the rest of our responses had quite a lot of common points, I guess my initial idea of time period toward fashion attributed to my habit – Purchasing vintage clothes, and I prefer to hang out with people who have similar taste on fashion with me, which is a human instinct, People tend to build up closer relationships with their peers. Last but not least, personal I believe any artificial form has a reference originated from the nature, therefore inspirations are one of the original powers that drive fashion through history.


When we were talking about gender, nation, subculture, etc during classes, the ideas I listed above appeared again and again. For now, I want to start answering this question a bit more personally – I think fashion is an oracle of human wisdom and it belongs to those who stay steadfast in their beliefs. This is not what I learnt from this class but from my internship, I got the chance to witness the tremendous hardworking that is happening in this industry and now I feel like I want to explain fashion in a more down to earth and realistic way.

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