Natural Dye challenge proposal

Natural Dye challenge proposal


Object product:

Hand Pad



There would be a wide range of users for this hand pad. It could be anyone from the age of 10- 60 years old. However, the kind of users would be specific. This hand pad is creatively and specifically designed for two kinds of users. One, for people with sweaty palms that have difficulty doing daily chores that could be as simple as trying to write on a piece of paper but not being able to as the pen keeps slipping to riding a bicycle. The second category of users for this hand pad would be people in extremely hot countries. For example, during summers countries like India, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar get extremely hot. After having your car parked in the street for even just as short as 20 minutes it is impossible to touch the starring wheel and drive away.

mood board picture inspirations


In my hypothesis, I believe cotton and linen would have the best color results in the end. As it turns out, the two fabrics with the best color were cotton, muslin, and synthetic fiber. I believe this is because synthetic fibers can be made to absorb dye better. Cotton, in general, is naturally a good fiber for dyeing.


First I used 5 cut strips of muslin and immersed them into the different natural dyes I had made of avocado skin, orange peel, strawberries, turmeric, and spinach leaves. I then labeled each sample of linen that was immersed in the kind of natural dyes I had made.

I then separated it into 4 diff cups for each dye and added 4 different solvents namely:
  1. soda ash— produced brightest colors
  2. cream of tar tar – didn’t have much effect faded colors
  3. mineral black——produced dull muddled dark colors
  4. Dry alum also produced faded colors

I soaked them all for 30 minutes each. After that, I took the fabric out and allowed them to dry after which I observed the results.




Avocado skin had left a pinkish brown color.

Orange peel had left a faded orange color.

Strawberries had left a faded red-brownish.

Turmeric had left a good pigment of the yellow color.

Spinach had left a green-brownish color.




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