Quantum Entanglement and Mirror Touch Synesthesia

Concept: Entanglement Theory- a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems.

Objectives and Goals: Create a video exemplifying quantum entanglement personified by two people separated by space but affected by the same physical afflictions.

Materials Needed:

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro


  • Invisibilia Podcast about quantum entanglement and people who have been personally affected by entanglement as a human ‘particle’ as to another human (as source)
  • gain a better understanding of how Entanglement really works and how it affects our universe


Listening to a podcast about the subject matter inspired me to create this piece.

Style and Presentation:

Two separate screens show afflictions of two subjects (people).

Entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems.
At the simplest level, entanglement is just the idea two things which are separated in space can still be the same thing. An object which exists in two separate spaces. So far, scientists have been able to get entanglement at a distance of just over 88 miles. Theoretically, these atoms can be separated by an infinite amount of space.
Entanglement doesn’t stop at atoms. In a way, Entanglement can happen with people as well. Humans who experience a form of entanglement exist. These people can physically feel everything the people around her feel, this is called Mirror Touch Synesthesia. Mirror-touch synesthesia is a condition that can cause people to experience the same sensation (such as touch) another person feels. For example, if someone with this condition were to observe someone being hit in the head by a basketball, they would feel the same thump on their own head. This condition can also impact the emotion and personality of people who experience Mirror Touch Synesthesia as well. People who are unafflicted by this condition experience minor effects, if someone else is hurt we often flinch as well.
Scientists have found abnormalities in the brains of people who experience this affliction, the most prominent being reduced grey matter in the right temporoparietal junction region and medial prefrontal cortex along with more grey and white matter in the right temporal pole. The medial prefrontal cortex is activated at a higher level when a person is thinking about the self in relation to others, which can explain why certain people experience this and others do not. It is unclear whether this has evolved in some people or if this is something other animals experience as well. In relation to Sander Peirce’s theories, people who experience Mirror Touch Synesthesia experience secondness as they comprehend and feel what the people around them do.timefinalpagedonetimefinal3 timefinal timefinal2OUCHsadsad2 chewchew2


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