Elouise was a regular little ferret.She grew up in an abandoned prairie dog burrow with her mom, dad, and 43 brothers and sisters (Elouise was the oldest). She shared a room with all her siblings. Because their home was old and always crumbly, Elouise always dreamed of finding a way to build a bigger, better, and stronger house for her family, who she loved so very much. One day in her anatomy class Eloise’s teacher explained the skeletal system and the teeth, “The teeth are stronger than all the bones in your entire body, even stronger than ROCKS,” he exclaimed.
“But sir, what do humans and ferrets do with the teeth they lose?”
“That’s a great question Elouise! I’m not sure, throw the teeth out, I suppose, why do you ask?”
But it was too late, Elouise knew exactly what she was going to do.
The next night, Elouise waited until everyone in her family was asleep and slipped out into the moonlight and scurried to the closest cul de sac. BINGO She hopped through the dog door, into the yellow house, down the hall to a room with two human-sized beds. Just her luck, Elouise found a tooth! Hanging from a string attached to the doorknob, Why in the world would they do that? Anyways, she tucked the pearly little treasure into her pocket and snuck back out. She went to another house, then another, and another! Until she saw the sun start to rise.
Later on that morning, Elouise showed the teeth to her mom, “See?! We can build a bigger and stronger house with these!”
“But Elouise, how will you repay the children for their teeth? It’s unfair to take their teeth and give them nothing in return.” So Elouise decided to give the children something she knew humans love the most, money! Luckily, her brother Alf had a thing for collecting shiny things, especially coins.
So Elouise continued her plan, but she began tucking silver dollars under each child’s pillows in exchange for the teeth she planned to use like bricks for her new house. Sometimes her siblings would tag along to help too.
One night, Elouise slipped as she went to tuck a coin under a boy’s pillow; she knocked his action figure off the bed to the ground. THUD The boy woke at the noise, his eyes widened,
“Who are you?”, he asked
With the boy’s tooth in her paws, Elouise whispered, “I’m the tooth ferret”
The next day after school, Elouise scurried through the park on her way home. A group of human children were playing on the mary-go-round “Did you hear Ben met the tooth fairy?”
The tooth fairy!?!?!
But Elouise let the children’s slip up go very fast because by that summer she had enough teeth to build her family the house she always dreamed of. Anyways, this is her dope ferret haus.
Here are some sketches of how it went down: