Student Resources + Support
What is the Learning Portfolio?
Introducing the LP Workspace
Why do we use the LP Workspace @ Parsons?
LP set up
Step 1: Log Into Your Learning Portfolio!
Step 2: install Jetpack
Step 3: customizing your LP workspace
Step 4: How to Create Posts using the Block Editor
Curating Your LP
What is Curation?
Organizing your Content
Adding Writing
Adding Artifacts
Adding Projects to your Portfolio
Student Example LPs
Add your LP URL to your Canvas Bio page
Submitting Your LP Post in Canvas for Credit
Privacy Settings
Setting up a second Blog/LP
Contacts for Help
Can’t find your LP? Click here
Parsons FAQ: Fixing the Template & Menu
Other FAQ
Student Example LPs
Three Exemplary Learning Portfolios
Ken Chen
Emily Li
Zachary Fernandez
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