Time: Whitney Museum


These are the two other artwork I liked from the exhibition “Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905-2016” in Whitney Museum. The following one is the one I liked the most.

Generally, it stood out among all the rest, very noisy and vivid-colored projects of the exhibition by providing no sound but a video played on a TV screen with warm colors. By simply showing a sightseeing of a sunset in the beginning of the video, I felt sudden peacefulness after looking through other artworks. The video of the sunset was linear, or horizontal and mostly only warm colors were included in video. For composition, there was only a sunset in the middle of the screen.

After showing the normal sunset for a while, the angles were stretched and the video started to show how people would see things after staring for a very long period of time. The sunset was going down slowly and the following “stretching” part was slow as well but the audiences can feel that the time was passing fast, or at least faster than how the sightseeing was changing in the video.


I will go to Whitney Museum again this weekend and to get pictures of the portraits on the sixth and seventh floor. I didn’t have enough time for the upper floors when I visited on Monday.

Here’s just a window I loved, a corner of the museum.

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