Time: Graphic Novel

Here is layout I tried during class:

Here is the final draft of my graphic novel:


Here is some pictures of my (ugly) sketches:


Japanese Manka is the first I can think of when the topic of graphic novel was introduced. So I tried to create one in that style. I can’t draw well so I give up drawing on my own but found my favorite cartoon character to be the character of my graphic novel.

For the content, I wanted to create a graphic novel based on daily movements, like getting up in the morning and going to a shower. And I wanted to add humor in to my work.

I think the most I learned about is about frame. My classmates had different-shaped frames, like water drop or circle, but I only have squares and rectangular because I only had pictures. I like their frames better because it fits more to the story and creates a kind of atmosphere for their stories.


Just to remind myself for the next time or whenever I want to look back to this project:

1, there’s better be grid between the water cooker (or whatever it should be called)

2, less meaningless color

3, more detailed movements

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