Time: Memento (2000)

(scenes of “Memento(2000)”)


Basically “Memento” tells a story about an anterograde amnesia patient, who can’t create new memories so he lived based on notes, pictures and tattoos, trying to revenge for his wife. Because of his condition, the main character Leonard can’t remember the fact that he has already killed the guy who rapped his wife and misremembered the fact that it was not Sammy who kept forgetting things and kept helping his wife to get shoot of medicine. He totally forgot that he was the one who killed his wife eventually. However, just needed a reason to live and to continue his “detective” role, he wrote down wrong information that made him killed the police who helped him. Written by Christopher Nolan and produced by Suzanne and Jennifer Todd, the story was a heat after launched on September 5, 2000. The most interesting part of the story is that it was told in non-linear timeline way. The black scenes are arranged by the timeline while the colored one are listed backwards. The audience might get confused at the first place and they might also hate the bullet screen afterwards but it is really an excited movie to watch.


Evaluation and My Reaction:

I was kind of scared before watching because I am just not the type of person who watch thriller movies. But I ended up liking the general part of it except couple weird sound with the scene Leonard’s wife being raped. The way the story was told, back and force, definitely makes it more exciting and tight for the audience because they will watch further with their expectation and prediction.

Also, using this non-linear method can let the movie to include same quotes of the same person or difference person, without making it sounds verbose. For example, both Natalie and Teddy have said something like: “you don’t remember what you did…you don’t remember who you have become…” Even the front desk have said something similar. The repetition emphasis his situation but also suggest the possibility that people could surely change his memory and interpretation or he can do it himself.

The third point I like is the parallel of the needle. You can’t create parallel like this without going back and force of the story. The story first includes a needle scene at the beginning when Leonard is making his own tattoo, even though in the other part of the story he goes to a tattoo shop. And then he continuously talking about fake Sammy’s story of learning a new ability through repetition. It is obviously suggesting that the fake Sammy’s story was his, not Sammy’s.



Sylvia told me that there is a scene, when “Sammy’s” wife died and Sammy went to hospital like place, Sammy’s face turned to Leonard’s face. (OMG)

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