Integrative studio – Memoir questions

  1. What was my first impression to you
  2. When did you start valuing me as your best friend and seeking to build a future with me?
  3. What do you think had made us become so tightly together.
  4. What are you most afraid or worried about me/ us?
  5. How have I changed throughout the years and how do you feel about that.
  6. What do you think my future would look like?
  7. Have I become a friend or a person that you are proud of?
  8. What kind of person do you think I would be without you.
  9. Any expectations for me or ways you would like to see me improve in our friendship?
  10. How much do you love me?

Space + Materiality (Haptic Space Mini Project)

Describe your current relationship to the world through your sense of touch? Observing how you use your hands, how are they connected to your processes of thinking and imagining?

Often times we neglect our sense of touch, since we often identify objects with our eyes. Therefore, before we touch, we already have identified the feeling of an object. We perhaps have already given the object an adjective, an opinion and most importantly categorized them; just by looking at them. However, if we reversed the order in witch we identify, for example using touch before sight. We would be able to think of things through a different perspective, and allowing us time before we jump into conclusions. My relationship with the world through touch is not limited but instead underrated. I often don’t prioritize touch before sight. But after the exercise of drawing and touching an unidentified object inside a bag without seeing it, I realized how my direction of thoughts differ compared to observing an object. For example,  I was drawing a toy giraffe bluntly with my eyes closed. Instead of noticing the odds of my roommate deciding to bring a toy giraffe from her country, I learned to appreciate the texture, the detailed lines and shapes the toy has through my senses of touch. Little did I know that my perspective of the world is biased by prioritizing a sense in-front of another. And that there are so much more ways to learn about the world.

15 adjectives on touch

  1. Warm
  2. Soft
  3. Flexible
  4. Original
  5. Homy
  6. Unique
  7. Strong
  8. Surreal
  9. Transformable
  10. Sensitive
  11. Dimensional
  12. Gentle
  13. Safe
  14. Lovely
  15. Structural

Experience and meaning reflection

Grace Paley’s “Travelling” talks about different encounters her family has towards segregation. Grace Paley, who is amongst the privilege and is considered as a stranger towards issues such as segregation, decides not to be one. Instead, she utilizes her privileged status to break social norms. By holding a baby of color on the bus, she bridged the two communities together.

I believe her community starts with her family. From her mom’s resilience on breaking racial standards on the bus to herself partaking on the same action; her community comes from the people around her who believes in equality, connectivity, and justice.