Writing as System
- Writing generates text, writer writes to communicate with reader.
- writing (handwriting ) now is less and less be adopted, because for the speed of recording information (history), people choose typing.
- writing has a sense of strong personal connection : graphology, also in traditional letter or card, signing & autograph
“Graphology is the analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting purporting to be able to identify the writer, indicating psychological state at the time of writing, or evaluating personality characteristics.[1] It is generally considered a pseudoscience.[2][3][4][5][6] The term is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to forensic document examination.”
- writing also has an authenticity, comparing to printed text.
- building handwriting skills involve visual perception
- writing is like handmade
- accounts book or dairy/journal, computer software (excel) and blog/ SNS. Collage now turns to Pintreset
- things that cannot be digitalized, cannot be put into a blog
- data- memory
- 3D journal? 3D text?
- example: 3D graffiti
- Some data base found online, collect all the digital inputs of handwriting
- On Q train, I saw a lady knitting, and that’s kinda cool if I combine two of thoese.
So at the end of this week, I started making a technical test.
I looked into Tensorflow, a Google Machine Learning library. It uses Python, which I never used before. So I spent the whole week to learn about basic syntax of Python and went through the beginner tutorial of Tensorflow, which is a test using MNIST, a handwritten digits results.
And at the End I had the concept of machine learning.
In above pictures, you can tell, after training the computer with thousands of handwritten sample of digits, computer has its unique vision — Generating positive and negative pattern to teach it self of the look of the digit.
And I also make visual prototype using previous ideas, which is using selfie to generate text by computer learning it.
However, a problem popped out: as the face look the same, I don’t think the character text generated by selfies from different people will differ a lot from each other, since most people’s faces are pretty similar . 😑. So, in the near future, I think I will not use human face as learning material.
Here pictures are photoshoped.
And I really dislike the text generated and the form of its presence.
Writing is a complicated behavior. Compare to typing, it takes longer time, it draws the use of vision, and it has spatial occupation. It’s 3D.
So the semi-character text you see above, I think it sucks.
In this way, I want to make it 3D. Because every character you write, is three dimensional actually, either you engrave or use pen. It has depth.
Similar project caught my eyes before. A graffiti project, takes the time dimension as the 3rd dimension, making graffiti a 3D form.
However, I want to make 3D form meaning in my project, I don’t want to just print out a 3D character.
So, as a way to present the text generated by machine learning, a installation will be used.
This begins with a sketch during the developing process.
And the combination of writing, sensing and touching, reminds me of how intimate people wrote secret words in each other’s hands, and let the other guess what she or he wrote. It’s private way of communication. Like the scribble function in iMessage app or on Apple Watch.
And back to the machine learning part of this project, I found it’s quite humorous that people trained computer to learn something, but the vision that computer get through learning, are not very readable, or straight forward to human. We have to rely on graphics, rely on monitor to know how computers act.
As we say computers are dumb, they only obey what programmers told them todo, it’s actually hard for people to imagine how they feel is they are computers running the script.
(OMG, so happy to see how the ideas developed!)
So I will use machine learning to generate text that can be drawn linearly. A robot finger will draw the “robot pictogram” — a primary text generated by computer’s vision.
The finger will be covered by a piece of flexible fabric, creating a more mystical, supernatural sense.
People shall use their palm to let robot finger write the text, in order to experience the intimate yet transcendent experience.
#whispering #secretwords