Bridge 2: “Deconstruction of a Public Art Work” – South Cove

Preliminary Sketches And Models:

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I wanted to keep this side of my brochure simple and have just images of the park itself so that the viewers could get a feel of the magnificent yet serene park. I did not want to use bright colors because the architecture and the natural aspect are overwhelming enough so I dulled the colors of the park but I made sure I increased the hues of parts of the architecture and nature because these two aspects are what stood out to me and that was the purpose of them. The negative rectangle in the centre is to show that even if you take away the park’s natural colors, the park’s purpose to make one feel calm, isolated and at peace still remains.

BeFunky Collage


The person here depicts me and the words on the person are adjectives that were flowing through my head while I was at the park. The words weren’t chosen at random. I stood at different parts of the park with a pen and a notebook and immediately wrote down a word that could describe how I was feeling. I did not want to write a paragraph about my overall experience because I knew that the viewers would not be able to experience the park like I did if they were just made to read out of the brochure. If you flip the man over you will notice that the text is flipped as well. This was not a mistake. I chose to keep the text that way because when I was at the park I stood by the river for a long time and I was lost in the ripples and reflections. I loved the idea of using reflection in my brochure because the Hudson river is a major part of the park and the people’s connection to it so I felt the need to have an aspect of the river in the brochure.

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Although I would generally be a bit apprehensive to use this much text, I felt like I needed to have something for the viewers to read in order to have a basic idea about the park before they can experience the brochure and what its trying to signify. I didn’t want any facts in my text so I used information about what the park is meant to be, how the its supposed to make you feel, and all of its details that makes it so special. All the factual information was on the BPCA website and it was very simple to understand so I using a QR code generator, created a QR code for the website and added it to my brochure. Another thing I did in my text is that I highlighted main words such as land, water, reflection, diverse, etc, because as someone who prefers something more artistically oriented or interactive, I know that I probably would have not read all that information but those individual words that stand out because of their vibrants colors would stand out to almost everyone and those words basically say everything about the park.

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