Studio Memory _ Bridge 5_ Self Reflection

Bridge 5: Self-Reflections

Students analyze their design process in each bridge assignment, mapping out any consistencies and shifts in their process. In Seminar, students write a reflective paper that will inform an Infographic created in the studio. Students do a Learning Portfolio presentation to illustrate the ways in which their design process transformed throughout the semester. Include images of your design process for each project, and a more extensive section at the end of the presentation explaining Bridge 4


In Bridge 1: Memoir

Bridge 1 is about AR. First, I memorize that 3 objects which represent past, current and the future. At first, I choose a necklace to represent my current. However, I find out that actually, the camera is the most representable object for me because I am in photography major and the first impression of my friends and classmates in high school to me is taking pictures. In this case, I changed the camera to the necklace. In addition, a panda is my favourite toy in my childhood, it also represents China. I want to travel alone by driving, to see a lot of different place in the word and bring a camera to take pictures. This is my dream.


Final project:




Bridge 2: Contestational Artifacts

This is a peer work, to make an object for my partner. I choose strawberry which represents her favourite fruit, And black is her favourite colour and outlook. However, it can not connect with the audience, and can not communicate with them. In this case, I put some clay beside my sculpture, in this case, the audience can use the clay to create their own project.




Bridge 3:

In this project, in the beginning, all the things went fluently, because I edit it before. However, when we display this video, I there is some mistake such as the title is not clear enough to see, the order of voice over is not good. So the presentation is not good. In this case, I renew the video. After this project, I know that I need to check my project before my presentation




Bridge 4:

In this project ,I  if I have enough time, I can try the more times in shooting the film camera and digital one. In this case I can compare and contrast the their qualities. However, my final pecies is also good to show the quality of the film camera which is high contrast, better color and more artist. However, it is good for me to take film camera to undersand to the techuqie of using a film camera. It is the first time for me to trying it. Therefore, I learning a lot about using the camera and the setting of camera. I am happy to finish this project.

Studio Memory _ Bridge 4_Research-led Design



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