

In a room full of people she’s the one laughing. There sits a girl who cant stay still, or quiet ever. She’s often surrounded by her loved ones, while also, always trying to meet new people. She comes in two moods: bubbly or mellow. You can find her in an art studio perfecting a piece, doodling on the side of the page, watching Netflix in bed, on a walk, or trying something new. Her mind is always spinning and I would suggest never asking her to tell you a story, because they always end up confusing you or not making sense. She mainly comes in a pack of four, with her three brothers, or with a group of her closest friends. Her talents are painting, making art with mixed medium, drawing, swimming, and touching her nose with her tongue. Besides for her silly personality, she also comes with a deep serious side. She’s takes all of her tasks head on and always tries to make a bad situation a better one. She has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and usually has a mark of leftover paint on her five foot one small frame. She goes by the name Tess.

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