Witness to what was

Who can tell what leaves and come from the 25 east 13th street building. Is it that purchases made by the average daily New Yorker, the ashes left behind by the group of boys smoking right to left of the door, is it the boxes left from the delivery man across the street, is it the pregnant woman’s gum wrapper that she not so casually “dropped” on her walk to the local juice bar? How does one know what makes this building the building it is today. What was here before it, what will be here when it closes down. The options of stores, restaurants, apartment are never ending. The list can go on, but what make the block alive are the people and actions taken by the people that make the street vibrant and full. 13th street, and all the wonderful streets that make up NYC, is forever changing and will always be changing. Overtime, the city evolves as the people that makeup the city evolve. When new people come in to fill the void of emptiness the last person left behind, the city opens its wide arms to let in the opportunity for wonders to occur.

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