Final for Drawing and Imaging

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Last class of my first semester of college, wow am I old. This has to be my favorite assignment thus far. This assignment mixed both my love for the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Sketchbook drawing. I find something so relaxing with drawing in a sketchbook. Maybe thats just me. This is a collection of 10 double page spread (order is a tad wacky on this post) in booklet form and or as single pieces. These were done for Susan Stillman’s Drawing and Imaging class as the final. I Loved it immensely.

The process was pretty simple. I started with taking MANY reference photos, both day and night. And then narrowed my photos down to my top 20. With many opinions and analyzing of the reference photos I chose my top ten and the layout I wanted. After narrowing down, I hit an artistic block. After some soul searching and thinking it hit me that I just wanted to draw. Pick up a pen and just go for it. A few thumbnails in the sketchbook later, I decided on doing black pen ink drawings. I used the technique of cross hatching to get the value and intensity I wanted. Overall, as simple as my process was I’m extremely happy with the outcome.


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