Observational Drawings

IMG_0056 2 The variety of people that sit and enjoy a peaceful tea house are limited. When Sitting drinking my tea with a friend, I observed that almost all of the people sitting sipping coffee and or tea were either having quiet alone time or were on a date. More specifically a first date.

IMG_0053 3 IMG_0055 observation 1! observation 2!  I spent last night sitting in the basement of the dorm building sketching my collegues as they sat and did their home work and or other work. Surprisingly I was limited to the amount of people to sketch. To my left was my friend Xander who was working on a studio assignment trying to find out how construct a “present” for someone he barely knows for a class. He did notice I was drawing him, but wasn’t bothered. Across from me at the table was my other friend Charley. Charley was working on a sketchbook assignment, also for a class, but her focus was more on the conversation going on at the moment.  Soon after I started sketching two more peers walked in and surrounded the table. They came over to say a quick “hi”, then proceeded on.

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