Year 2013-2014
Body(ies) in Space
This project is an exploration of the body in space; you can interpret “body” and “space” as real/outer or surreal/inner experiences. It is an opportunity to explore your personal interests within a certain discipline. Put in practice the editing techniques we have discussed, based on Deleuze Movement and Time image, Sanders Peirce firstness, secondness and thirdness, and the Kuleshov effect. Examples: The body in movement; self-portrait intervening a space. Explore the way that images and other sensations are processed as experience and meaning.
SAMPLE PROJECT BRIEF Inner / Outer Spaces:
Record personal sensory experiences of inner/outer spaces related to daily life activities such as eating patterns, commute, mind wandering, daydreaming, etc. Students will explore the effects of time distortion: rapid changes against slow motion, linearity versus non-linear experience, etc. to create a certain visceral response from an audience. Explore the ways in which images and other sensations are processed as experience and meaning: Experimentation with sound and image using Premiere. “I Met Matt Dillon” (student work from the “Semiotics for Videographers” class at the MA Media Studies, The New School University.
Gilles Deleuze
Semiotics as Art: Ryan
Year 2014-2015
Research on a topic of your choice, e.g., metamorphoses—be it biological, object-oriented, or of the mind—such as aging, architectural decay, ecosystems, disorders; catastrophes—natural or artificial phenomena; historicity—of life, objects, or ideas. Explore how the topic influences your life experience as a participant, voyager, and/or spectator. You can create a narrative or do an abstract interpretation of your concept.
Think about Gilles Deleuze Theory of “The Movement Image,” Charles Sanders Peirce Phenomenology (concepts of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness) and Semiotics (Symbols, Icons, and Indexes)and how you can use these editing techniques in creating a “video montage.” Explore using linear and non-linear editing. *Editing in Premier.
Deliverables: video piece in .mov (no sound)
Represent the same concept from your video, now ONLY with sounds (NO VISUALS). All sound has to be recorded/produced by you. The challenge is to provoque visuals in people’s minds through soundscapes. Read Michelle Chion’s Modes of Listening. *Editing in Premier, Audition, Audacity.
Deliverables: Sound piece in .aiff (no image)
Combine Image and Sound projects to create a final Video project. You can tweak visuals and sound to adjust but just minor changes. Think of theories discussed thus far and how they relate/overlap/contrast: Deleuze + Sander Peirce + Chion
Deliverables: Video piece in .mov (image+sound)