Creating each part of this project separately has really beneficial as I really got to focus on each part individually. I don’t think my final product would have been what it was If I had done this video all at once. I know my sound project would have probably been less strong and maybe even just the background noises of my video piece if I had filmed it all together. I don’t know how I feel about my video as a whole, but I think it gave me the chance to use premiere in an informative way as I had the chance to use a variety of effects.
Trying to come up with an idea on what I should base my video on all I could think about was people. Which people you ask? Well, the streets of NYC are filled with all those people; people filling every pavement on every street. This is where my affection image or firstness image comes in; I needed to show close-ups of faces, which ultimately represent humans.
At first I took video footage of my walk from the dorm to The New School building, hiding the camera, and focusing on the people around me, but my video didn’t feel right yet. I wanted to focus on people’s reactions to things and create a thirdness image showing people’s actions in response to something, other than just random people walking around the street. After walking around NYC in circles, trying to decide what I wanted my footage to be about, I looked at the pavements I was walking on, a lot of which were covered in chalk. At first I noticed many faces drawn in a line; I found my firstness image! The faces are indexes universally representing people. Then I noticed a circle drawn on the ground that said Bad Luck Spot on it, and realized people’s reactions to that spot were quiet entertaining to watch, so I decided to film them, providing me with a thirdness image! The bad luck spot is a symbol that creates a reaction, causing people to deviate away from their path occasionally. Before filming peoples reaction to the Bad Luck Spot I wanted to show a secondness image, giving my audience some context to what my video is about and what people are actually reacting to.
I’ve collected all the footage, but now I have to put it all together! I have footage of faces drawn out of chalk in a line, which I’m going to start and end my video with, and in between I want my Bad Luck Spot footage. The video goes slow, so I wanted to speed the video up. Also I don’t want the people who responded to the bad luck spot to go unnoticed so I want to replay the reaction in the video.