Week 13

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Monday April 28
– Work in class on Proposal layouts, organizing information, conducting research. Select presentation times.

Wednesday April 30
– Visit the exhibitions:

  1. Paul Dreher – Day by Good Day – Koenig & Clinton 459 West 19th Street, Chelsea
  2. Oscar Murillo  A Mercantile Novel at David Zwirner Gallery – 519 West 19th Street
  3. (CLOSED) Daniel Canogar: Small Data at Bitforms Gallery. 529 West 20th Street (between 10th and 11th) 2nd Floor

Meet in the lobby at 3:50. Pack light! Wear sensible shoes since we will be walking to the gallery.3:50 – 4:20 – Walk to Chelsea via the Highline
Stop 1 – Koenig and Clinto Gallery. Stop 2 – David Zwirner Gallery. Stop 3 – Bitforms gallery

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