Time Final Project



| Time Final Project |

For my Time final project, I made an animation. I’ve always wanted to create an animation with my analog drawings. This animation was based on a true story about a girl who got affected by the earthquake occurred in Japan in 2011. She lost her family and loved ones by this disaster. She couldn’t tell what she was thinking about her family, how she loved her family. Through this story I wanted to address the importance of saying “Thank you” and it is possible to loose your loved ones at any time. Even though she lost her family, she lets it go and decides to live for them as well at the end… I hope this animation shows how natural disasters can affect many people, so it is very important to support these people and give hope to live their life as well for the people that lost their lives in the disaster.

It was my first time making an animation so I didn’t know where to start or how to create it. I searched a lot and made the plot, and started to draw each scene. I drew about 120 drawings. I scanned my drawings, and fixed some parts with Photoshop. Then I used Flash Professional to create the animation and it was challenging because I really didn’t know how to use it. I added sound with Premier Pro. I used many programs in this project, so I think it shows how much I learned from this course this semester. I did not have much time to draw each drawing neatly so if I would to do this again, I would take more time to draw. I learned things to consider when I am making an animation. I am happy that I made this animation.

Hazuki Uno is a Japanese Student who currently studies Illustration at Parsons School Of Design. She has moved around the world since she was bron in Japan. She has lived in Mexico, Switzerland, Germany and currently living in New York City. Mixture of the experiences that she gained by interacting with people from different cultures, exploring different countries and her own culture are her biggest inspiration for her works.

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