Poem on Sister Corita Kent’s, “Manflowers” 1969 – Writing About Art Workshop

Anger can be brewed from hate.
Hate for the enemy,
or hate for the state?

Anger can come from solitude.
The lack of love,
The lack of feeling.

Without love,
Humans become dehumanized.
Without being balanced,
Humans go to extremes.

Flora wilt, and flora breed.
Flora breed, and flora feed.
Flora highlight the divinity of femininity.
Flora symbolizes love and tenderness.
Flora gives meaning to the hearth.

In desolate landscapes, humans lack nutrition.
Without nutrition, the notion of the flora wastes away.
Leaving nothing but a memory of the good old days.
A memory that is out of our reach.
And it is with a memory that we begin to brew hate.

Anger can be brewed from hate.
Hate for the enemy,
or hate for the state?


To view “Manflowers” by Corita Kent:

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