Space and Materiality : Plaster Casting Final

The objective is to create a set of three-dimensional volumes exploring concepts of solid and void, addition and subtraction, and how these volumes associate with each other to create spatial relationships. Using a 6”x6”x6” cube as a point of departure, construct and visualize the cube as a solid volume from which you will proceed with the removal of one part. Each element–the cube and the ‘removed’ element–can be seen as a ‘whole’ or stand-alone object-volume.To that effect, the ‘removed’element will also be designed and constructed as a solid volume. In essence, you be casting–or will need to consider casting –two volumes simultaneously, where one volume is embedded within the other creating a direct formal relationship between the two volumes. Explore multiple possibilities for creating voids, solids, and manipulating the basic 6x6x6” cube. Create a list of the variations for the creation, process, and construction of the plaster test pieces and formwork. The6”x6”x6” cube will serve as the basis for the exploration and will modify as you test and iterate different ‘added’ and ‘subtracted’ forms for your cast. You are designing the mold (void, and process) as well as the cast (solid). Once you have selected and refined one set of volumes, construct and visualize the volumes as a series of repetitive units of different elements which together comprise a cube or volume and when a part can create another system or arrangement. This will involve the reproduction of your selected set of volumes to create a total of 4 multiples.

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