Studio 2 : Bridge Project 2 : Think Tank Site Investigations

The Vanishing Point: A Movement for Inevitable Transitions of Space

This project was particularly influential because it was one of the first times I really worked with video with an outcome in mind. It was so fun as well as interesting to go into the space and envisioning the shots that could be captured based on the environment we were in. Also, I have to say that I had a very positive experience working with my peers, which does not always seem to be so evident with group projects. The whole articulation of the video was quite challenging, but I do believe that it came out well and I cannot wait to see what new projects I can develop now with video. I actually had to film a short piece about memory for my Time class a week after this video was due and it came as a great asset to have completed this video prior to the Time assignment.

Click link for video:


Assignment :


Your Think Tank will work together to come up with a group name, identity and mission. Research the history and significance of your sites along with one another’s solo reports. Based off of your research, the group will then brainstorm to come up with a score for a participatory walk in and around your site. Your score must highlight through poetic movement, props, words, archival or created sounds the significant aspects of your site.

The note taker will be responsible for putting together a schedule and task sheet.

The Think Tank Groups will visit their sites together. Once you are there, one person will document through video and photos as the group reflects on the environment together. The group will then go on a participatory walk to perform their score. Documentation from your action will result in a short video to be screened in class.


Video: under 5 minutes; designated presenter will introduce the project briefly prior to screening the work.
OR In class performance: under 5 mintues; designated presenter will introduce the project briefly prior to screening the work.
Individual LP posts with a written reflection on how this project challenged and informed your practice. due latest Sunday, March 3rd.

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