This is a flower-like building I made. It is made of white plastic board. It has different looks from different visions. When looking from above, it looks like a 2D symbol that formed by several plane pentagons lines. When looking from besides, it becomes more solid and has a 3D vision. I want to express the petal so I use black marker to paint some outside parts of the white plastic board into black to give it a more intricate and delicate vision effect.
Leon is one of my favorite movies. I have watched it for more than 10 times and every time I watch it, the movie makes me smile the biggest and meanwhile can also make my eye run dry. My favorite scene in the movie is when Matilda raised the gun beside her head(shown in the picture above), trying to persuade Leon to let her stay and to admit that he loves her . I have watched this scene over and over again and be deeply moved when Leon grabbed the gun from her hand just right before she fired the gun. No need to say it out, his action just explains all the feelings he has got for Matilda deep in his heart. This scene almost took my breath away at the first time when I saw it.