Problem in my neighborhood: Stress
Stress in the City
I decided to write about stress because what is common between me and all the people I am surrounded by? Stress!! Not only stress blocks creativity but it makes you overthink things which end up making you even more stressed and its so unhealthy.. Lack of sleep? Lack of ideas? Depression? Sudden mood swings? Its all linked with stress.
New York is already one of the most stressful cities in the world, I swear just moving to the city made me x5 times more moody and made me more likely to be annoyed by people. I want to create something that will help deal with stress in the daily life in the city.
Not only New York is stressful but specifically the East Village in this current time.. There was just a fire in a few building going on, what could be more stressful than that?
My main idea is to create a stress free garment, something comfortable and aromatic.
Using photos from my photoblog:
For the first draft I thought we had to already interview some people so I went out to ask some simple questions about stress within my neighborhood. These are really broad and basic questions but I will develop some more specific ones to ask to people that have more knowledge about the problem and more time to answer. The next questions were asked to random people I found on my neighborhood.
“Of course, its a stressful neighborhood, we are surrounded by fire departments, hospitals, student residences and tons of fast food”
- Person 1
Are you stressed?
What makes you stressed?
My situation in life wight now
How do you deal with stress?
Do you keep it in or do you let it out?
I keep it in until I explode
How often do you feel stressed?
Everyday because I have anxiety
Do you think it has anything to do with your environment/neighborhood?
What would you change to calm down your stress?
UP my anxiety medication doses
Have you always been s stressful person?
yeah, whole life
- Person 2
Spa employee
Are you stressed?
Not right now
What makes you stressed?
How do you deal with stress?
How do you deal with stress?
- Person three
Are you stressed?
Not right now. Its a first
What makes you stressed?
A lot of work and not enough time. I cant sleep, I get social anxiety when I overthink things
How do you deal with stress?
By making to do lists. Clearing my mind, eating a lot, coffee, smoking. Relying on alcohol
Do you let your stress in or you let it out?
Ohhhh if I dont let it out.. When I am stressed EVERYONE knows
How often do you feel stressed?
Every day every night, every minute of everyday of the week, I am always stressed, I am not kidding.
Do you think it has anything to do with your environment/neighborhood?
I dont know. Some days. I dont like it when its quiet
What would you change to calm down your stress?
Say no to things and people sometimes and have some alone time.
Person Four
Are you stressed?
Not too much
What makes you stressed?
Stupidity and Laziness
How do you deal with stress?
I yell/curse a lot
How often do you feel stressed?
Once or twice a day
What would you change to calm your stress?
Understand that there is just stupid people in this world
- Person five
Do you feel stressed?
What makes you stress?
How do you deal with stress?
I walk away from it
How often are you stressed?
Do you think the environment of this neighborhood has something to do with this?
Of course, its a stressful neighborhood, we are surrounded by fire departments, hospitals, student residences and tons of fast food.
- Now my next step is to research about scents that help with stress, what commonly causes stress ( Maybe interviewing someone studying psychology and/or counselors ). Research about suicides in the neighborhood, noise pollution, how to relief stress.
The New York State Department of Financial Services has approved health insurance premium rate increases for health insurers doing business in New York.
The state agency said that overall, it has cut the requested rate increases for small group plans by half, cutting them by 52%, and also made a substantial cut in the increases requested for the individual plan rates, cutting those increases by 44%.
Its actions saves consumers and small businesses almost $732 mn. The state said that more than one million New Yorkers are enrolled in individual and small group plans, also Health insurance premium rate in New York has increased.
In terms of two of the HMO’s who do a lot of business in the Rochester area, Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield, and MVP Health Plan, Excellus saw its request for an increase in small group plans, reduced slightly, to 12%. The company had requested a 12.6% increase.