08 Homework

Homework for the Final

prepare a pitch of your final website in a new worksheet dedicated to the final.

  1. Introduce the idea.
  2. What are you selling?
  3. This is the problem your website has to solve?
  4. How will the website solve the problem?
  5. Is the proposal sound?
  6. How it is different from other, similar websites?
  7. How does it addresses the target audience?
  8. Write down the problem you are solving and how the website will solve the problem. Include websites of similar products or competing products that helped you form your decision as to how to proceed in the work-sheet, as I will compare the pitch to the final website.
  9. You are allowed to change the problem and how you plan on solving it as time goes on. Add this to the worksheet, as this is to track your creative process.

Homework for the Unit

  1. You are to make your portfolio responsive.
  2. It is up to you to finish it.
  3. I want to see the core pages responsive to one media query, targeting small screens like the iphone.