25 Inspiration Images

25 research images

This collection of images is the inspiration behind my studio piece. I want to really break down movement and play around with the different ways it can be captures in the still photograph. I am heavily inspired by dancers and movement in other artists’ work, and I want that to fuel my images. The distinct challenge I am facing with my own work is that I want my photos to be inspired by the movement such as the movement captured in these 25 images. BUT, I am challenging myself to embody that movement in my photographs without using living, moving subject matter. It is easy to direct the movement of a human and photograph it. It will be more of a challenge to capture the movement when the subject itself is not a living thing. Kinetic Art, which is part of my research, took objects from life and reinterpreted them into something more. Marcel Duchamp took utensils and common tools as such and made them into moving readymades that had a very natural effect. This idea of taking the common inanimate objects and recreating their purpose to create a natural moving function greatly interests me. I especially want to explore how natural I can make the movement itself look in the photographs. This process will be explored through an experimental photoshoot!