For our time project this time, we have to create a book, which can be traditional or non traditional, to explain the terms we got. My term was symbol, and I decided that I wanted to use the story of Noah’s ark as an example to explain what a symbol is. It portrays the story of Noah’s Ark and then explains why a dove is a symbol of peace, then further explains the theory behind symbols.
At the beginning it was just a design of a simple traditional book, but after discussing this idea with my professor we decided to make it a pop up book — something that is aesthetically similar to a children’s picture book.
The cover of the book is the Chinese character of dove, and one of its calligraphic form. The inside of the book was composed of traditional and digital art to create contrast between the subject and the texts.
The results came out quite neat and tidy, but the typography in it seems to be too tiny. A children’s book wouldn’t have such a small size and font. I think that it would be better if the fonts were more viable and visually attractive to give the book a more vibrant vibe.