Progress record for Little Artist — a commercial project in Studio
Sketches of ideas on product. This includes a pizza holder/cheese slicer; a rolling pin with cookie mold; and our final decision — glitter glue with sponge underneath.
The idea was to have a glitter glue that doesn’t create a mess but still allows for children’s creativity to flow through.
A long with creating our individual advertisements, we decided to brainstorm on a logo and tagline for the product. In the end we decided to use a simple logo where a colour wheel surrounds a “Little Artist” and the tagline “Small hands, big dreams.”
This is a prototype I made with sponge and bristol boards, painted with acrylics and markers, along with printed logos and name of the product.
Ideas for posters (individual advertisements) and one of the WIP poster in the series I decided to use. I wanted to focus on the ‘dream big’ part of the childhood. To draw is to imagine, to imagine is to have endless possibilities… and it all starts with a Little Artist.
I expanded on the idea of childhood dreams and created a series of three posters, being the scientist, pilot, and astronaut. I also toyed with the idea of glitter glue being part of the whole composition instead of just a stick on one’s hand.