• deviantart

Little Artist

Progress record for Little Artist — a commercial project in Studio


Sketches of ideas on product. This includes a pizza holder/cheese slicer; a rolling pin with cookie mold; and our final decision — glitter glue with sponge underneath.

The idea was to have a glitter glue that doesn’t create a mess but still allows for children’s creativity to flow through.

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A long with creating our individual advertisements, we decided to brainstorm on a logo and tagline for the product. In the end we decided to use a simple logo where a colour wheel surrounds a “Little Artist” and the tagline “Small hands, big dreams.”

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This is a prototype I made with sponge and bristol boards, painted with acrylics and markers, along with printed logos and name of the product.

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Ideas for posters (individual advertisements) and one of the WIP poster in the series I decided to use. I wanted to focus on the ‘dream big’ part of the childhood. To draw is to imagine, to imagine is to have endless possibilities… and it all starts with a Little Artist.

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I expanded on the idea of childhood dreams and created a series of three posters, being the scientist, pilot, and astronaut. I also toyed with the idea of glitter glue being part of the whole composition instead of just a stick on one’s hand.

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