BREAKING! Tall, Drunk Giant In High Heels Falls, Dies Attempting To Cross Highway During Rush Hour

BREAKING! Tall, Drunk Giant In High Heels Falls, Dies Attempting To Cross Highway During Rush Hour

We are possessed by poor motor skills caused by questionable alcohol habits.

You are a giant. You partied hard all night, got super drunk, and had a great time. Now, you need to go home!

Some things you need to know are:

  • You are very tall
  • You are wearing (literally) sky-high platform heels because your legs look killer good in them
  • You are naturally clumsy
  • You are absolutely WASTED!


  • Home is 825739824* highway crossings away
  • It is now 7am on a Monday morning

SO, in order to avoid tripping on cars, falling down, and dying, you need to be extra careful in how you navigate your walk home.

Bob your head steadily in order to walk. Keep in time with the rush hour traffic flow. Dizziness is an indicator of health; the more your head spins, the more cautious you need to be. Just cross the road. One foot in front of the other.

*Exaggeration to accommodate inebriation.




This soon-to-be game is inspired by the song “FOUL(at 21 minutes in) by the phenomenal jazz-rock band Tokyo Incidents. A lyric translation is located here. “FOUL” is a highly energetic song scolding drunken hooligans, featuring a variety of bike horns.

A while back, I had the idea to make a series of games acting as accompanying visuals, much like how music videos accompany music as visuals, to Tokyo Incidents’ albums (oh man, imagine the copyright issues, i would get sued to death). This “having trouble crossing the street” thing is something I’ve had problems with in the past (BECAUSE I GOT HIT BY A CAR!), and I’m not the best at walking/balancing anyhow, so if I had to listen to “FOUL” on full blast with the sirens and bike horns and car horns blaring and everything while crossing the street in NYC, I would totally die.
That idea is a lot more relatable if the player is in a position where they would realistically have trouble walking – piss drunk in heels! – and makes so much more sense if there is a reason behind their poor balance, like being super duper tall. Super tall bipedal robots have trouble balancing, and some super tall people have trouble balancing, so this makes sense! The height would also help with making the visuals easier to make. Clouds of car exhaust, here I come.
Hopefully I can get the camera to spin or swish around dizzy-like. That would make the game difficult. And this goes well with the main player actions in VR, namely looking around and bobbing the head. The camera, which will increase the intensity of spinning when the player loses health, also solves part of the UI issue. Putting in a health bar would be okay for a computer or mobile game, but may not work so well in VR. I would like a view of the player’s legs, if I can figure out how.
VR is a weird medium where no one really knows what is definitely, absolutely good and what is really horrible yet. It’s exciting to see how artists and student artists are pushing the genre forward, and hopefully it stays in the hands of creative people. Honestly, I don’t think it will, simply because of the money people; big tech companies have advertising and funding money, and they see money in the gaming industry, so VR will move in that direction. All we can do is use and experiment with it as much as possible. Robert Yang did mention collaborating with the film industry, but film also gives off a sort of insular, stuck up/pretentious air and doesn’t seem to make much money either, so for example, a film like Moonlight does not have the same reach or marketability as a film like The Avengers. Poor example, though I can’t see Marvel dropping a bunch of money on VR research. . .
Robert Yang also makes a case for making VR super gay. I wholeheartedly support this, although I have questions about his wording? Because “queer” does not equal “gay” for everyone. Like we say “gay rights” colloquially, and if a cishet speaks like there are no queer people in the room, I will indicate that I am “gay” for their probably low level of understanding queer vocabulary. But lots of gay (wlw, mlm, etc.) people hate when bi, ace, etc. people call themselves “gay” because they don’t consider us gay, following the strict definition of the word. So that’s a bit awkward.
“Queer” has also been controversial for the past couple years, as it was/is a slur, so many young people abhor the word queer and call it the q-slur, despite its widespread reclaiming and usage by the LGBTQA+ community for a very long time. The academic community has used “queer” for a long time as well, and with the whole slur thing, I don’t know if I’m comfortable hearing cishets say “queer” so easily. But “gay” has been used as a slur too, and no one argues against that anymore. I don’t know, this is just rambling now.

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