Research tool

Ethan Yang

Int Sem 2

Darcy Rothbard

8 February 2017

Research tool

  1. Can people believe in more than one kind of religion?
  2. If one of the religion is taken away, what would the rest of the world be like?
  3. How many religion in total in whole world?
  4. Should people be religious or not?
  5. Every county has its own religion?
  6. How many gods in total in Taoism?
  7. What is the difference between Christianity and Catholicism?
  8. Should Christian always go to church on Sunday?
  9. Why people are religious?
  10. What are the differences among those religion?
  11. Which religion has most amount of followers?
  12. How did people realize they believe in which kind of religion?
  13. Is it ok that your religion is different from your parents?
  14. Can a person marry to another person with different religion?
  15. Do two religions share same god?
  16. How many people in the world are religious?
  17. Can religion destroy friendship, love, or any kinds of relationship?
  18. How does religion change people?
  19. Is being too religious a good thing or not?
  20. Can people change their religion?
  21. What is God’s religion?
  22. Which religion is the oldest one?
  23. Which religion is the youngest one?
  24. Which religion has least amount followers?
  25. Can people easily start a kind of religion?

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