Integrative Studio 1: Bridge Project 2

Artistic Statement

This project is inspired by childhood and displacement. Toys are often the dearest object to a child; with the children being most attached to it. Plushie dolls are usually the main form that represents childhood, purity, and innocence. Animal plushie dolls, to be specific, are usually a child’s “first best friend”, thus it adds to the sense of endearment creating a strong contrast. The dismantlement and juxtaposition of the different plushie dolls display the twistedness and horror of childhood displacement. Along with the use of thick string sewing through the parts roughly, it gives an industrial sense. Hanging the piece from the ceiling enhances the sense of wanting to cry for help but is ironically hopeful and hopeless at the same time. In addition, with the same string we used to connect the part together, it adds continuity while also juxtaposing attachment and detachment; as the connection is the reason for displacement.

Photos of Final Product

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