Exhibit Review: Gilded New York


The Museum of City of New York is at 1220 5th Ave (corner of 103st. and 5th Avenue). There were several exhibitions going on. The place got money from the students as donations, so I only had to pay much I wanted. Also the museum was free under 19, but had to have some sort of ID that shows my date of birth. When I entered the museum, the bright, pretty lighting that is hanging from the ceiling was welcoming me. Then, I went to 3rd floor to see the exhibition, “Guilded New York”. The exhibition was in the room, and there were some paintings of people. Each painting showed people lived back then, and they were the portraits of people. There is a picture of the painting I chose, which is a portrait of a girl wearing white open shoulder dress. There was lots of people’s portrait in this exhibition, however, I felt more interest to the younger boys and girls. I felt this way because I feel like their parents are rich so they get to have bountiful life from the beginning. So I was kind of jealous that they get to have what they have without any hardships unlike kids from the exhibition of “Jacob A. Riis”. It was interesting to see two opposing kinds of exhibition. Also, I definitely thought that this exhibition shows the wealth affects fashion and what people wear. In addition, in New York City, there are wealthy people who wear fancy clothes, whereas poor people barely have warm coats on in the cold winter. So I think wealth definitely has power on fashion.


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