Image Archive

  1. The Buddha Statues
  2. the Hands of Buddha, the gesture
  3. Buddhism Symbols


JAPAN-10032; 0071_18, Japan, 2004, Footsteps of Buddha.The Buddha Statues



  1. The Buddha Statues

Buddhism Symbols

The Clothing of Buddhism

  1. the Hands of Buddha, the gesture

Buddhism Symbols ,The Buddha Statues

Buddhism Symbols ) The Clothing of Buddhism

Lotus flowers a symbol of Buddhism

  1. The Buddha Statues
  2. the Hands of Buddha, the gesture
  3. The clothing construction, different country had different style clothing for Buddhism
  4. Practice of Buddhism
  5. Ritual, mantra, incense

  1. The Buddha Statues
  2. the Hands of Buddha, the gesture


  1. The Buddha Statues
  2. the Hands of Buddha, the gesture
  3. Ritual, mantra, incense

  1. Different Gods in Buddhism
  2. The symbolic yellow from Buddhism
  3. The Buddha Statues
  4. Ritual, mantra, incense



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