
Responses to the interview questions.

  1. I am afraid of ghosts.
  2. When I am afraid I open the lights and watch something that makes me happy.
  3. When I am happiest I laugh
  4. The thing that I cannot forget is the times when I used to go with my parents to travel back home every Chinese new year. But when I am in America I don’t get to do so.
  5. The most important thing that I would like to do is to make money.
  6. What I like most is spending money.
  7. I like spending the weekend watching the TV show or hanging out with friends going to play mojo or go to KTV
  8. My idol is accretion pop star whose name is Huro, he has a group called Huko.
  9. My favorite toy was a basketball as I used to play basketball while I was young.
  10. I don’t have a specific favorite TV show but I was a number of them.


The above questions selected would bring the experience of the student as they revolve around the life of an individual. The items featured by the questions are among the daily activities done by an individual. The questions also range from childhood activities to the current way of life of an individual. For instance, on the childhood activities ” My favorite toy was basketball as I used to play basketball while I was young”. The questions also touch on the personal characters of an individual, and the emotions of the individual. Through the question is able to know how a classmate reacts to given situations especially when terrified like “When I am afraid I open the lights and watch something that makes me happy”.  This shows how one deals with emotions such as anxiety in life. It is therefore an indication that the individual is able to cope up with discomforting situations and moments in life in a positive manner. The questions used also touched the areas that interested me and answering them would not be a problem as I will be willing the answer them. The questions enable me to describe and let out my fears and how I can deal with such a situation “I am afraid of ghosts”. They also help bring out how I spend my free times and weekends.  They also show the kind of a person is, that is either a social or antisocial person.

From the interview, one can learn that people originate from different backgrounds, the kind of activities being done. The responses also show the kind of priorities and the ambitions of the individual interviewee. This is indicated by the answer whereby she indicated that she has liked spending more money. It also brings out responsibility as the individual is ready to make money perhaps to replenish the ones lost “The most important thing that I would like to do is to make money”. From the fact that the interviewee likes spending money, it can mean that he or she is a spend thrift and therefore needs to get skills on how manage the money at the he or she makes to ensure that the money made help are sustainable and are spent in development activities. In general, the respondent knew all almost all the information. From the experience of my classmates, I learned different ways of lifestyles that one can be used to. I also learned that one should be always responsible to ensure that activities being done run smoothly. This comes from the fact that the respondent in the interview finds ways of making money, managing anxiety and also indulges in positive activities during the free the time or rather the weekends. It also emphasized on the part of socialization and the interviewee had time to socialize with friends hence portraying him as a social person and hence this is an indication of a good person.

From the way, the interviewee talked there a way the ability to choose the kind of materials to record the information in. The different platforms include writing down the responses on paper and also doing the recording. However, due to limited time, the recording was the most effective and can do the whole thing in a very short time.  From the recording medium was used to the efficiency of the method in reducing the time spent in doing one interview so as to accommodate other individuals also. The ease of access to the data obtained from the interviews as it can also be retrieved easily. The method also prevents data loss which would occur if other methods would occur. Moreover, the information can be accessed well even by those who are challenged by sight in that they can’t read properly or are blind. This work contains the experiences of the interviews. For the instance the day he can’t forget whereby he says “The thing that I cannot forget is the times when I used to go with my parents to travel back the home every Chinese new year. But when I am in America I don’t get to do so”.

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