Trading Places

It has been around two months since I came to New York. I was raised up in Guangzhou and stayed there for eighteen years. Guangzhou is a really charming city and I had lots of good memories there. I still remember the experience of watching night view with my girlfriend in the central square of Guangzhou. We sit on the bench beside the fountain and enjoy the amazing street light. Then, we sang karaoke at midnight at the square. We were surrounded by hundreds of people. They clapped and danced, following the rhythm of the song. Then, we went home and watched my favorite movie called Perfect Strangers, which is an Italian film. The movie tells a story about a bunch of friends, and how their friendship is so fragile over deep secrets. I’ve always been interested in watching this kind of story telling movies.It was quite an emotional and memorable night for us.

In the end, my girlfriend gave me a teddy bear. She said: If you miss me or get homesick, just hug it. She also told me that she had this bear since she was twelve years old. When she feels sad or panic, she will hug the bear. 

“The bear looks like you, ”

Several month after that, I was living in another country which is thousands miles away from Guangzhou. 

The bear reminds me of who I really am whenever I am surrounded by insecurities in this new place, and it tells me to be brave and proceed forward when I get trapped by uncertain feelings. It is my amulet, my good luck charm that supports me through the big transformation of my life, from being the home-staying duckling to the mature swan.

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