No.1102’s Travel in Korea Town

I did street scene research in the Korea Town and collected the sound in that place. Based on this research, I wrote a creative fiction story about the sound I heard. The main character is a extraterrestrial robot who is assigned to collect sounds on Earth.


“Yes, commander.”

“This time you are going to Korea town in New York of the blue star.”

“Got it.”

I’m a sound collecting machine from a new born celestial body. The guy I was talking to is my boss. He is actually the king of the whole star. Everyone admires him because he is wise and capable enough to lead us to construct our new home. Last week, my boss went to a blue watery star, which is probably called “The Earth” by the residents there. My boss especially like a country called America and he decides to build another America in our planet. Therefore, he assigned different missions to his subordinates, for example me, to collect different elements like sound, smell, scene, culture in America. This time, I’m going to the Korea Town of this country to collecting all kinds of sounds. 

I went to the main street of the Korea Town. The first sound I heard is the sound of the engine of a fast moving machine. I can see this kind of machine everywhere on this street. I think they are called cars which are used as transportation on this planet. I turned myself into a minimum size and entered one of theses cars. Suddenly, I heard another kind of sound which sounds like a piece of music. It was quite energetic and rhythmic. I enjoyed listening to it so much that I couldn’t help myself dancing on the back seat. Then, I turned on my recording system and collected this sound. I was pretty sure my boss would love it as well.

After a while, the owner of the car stopped the engine. He got off the car and entered a restaurant. I was curious about what he was going to hear next so I just hided in his pocket. I had to say he entered a really noisy place. I’d never met so much noise at the same before. It basically included human’s chatting in different languages, laughing, chewing sound, the collision of forks and knives, background music… Although I hated some kinds of noise, I still recorded them one by one as my boss commanded me to collect all the sounds I heard. I had to say I hated so much noise with different pitches and amplitudes come together at the same time. I left the restaurant as soon as possible when I was done with my recording.

As I walked along the street, I noticed humans have different footstep sound. Most female creatures made loud noise when they were walking because of their high heels. People who have fast footsteps often made loud and rapid noise, while people who walk slowly almost have silent footsteps. 

A strange and loud noise started to approach while I was walking. I found myself was walking to a place with many concrete and steel tubes. The machines there were making terrible noise. I was almost scared by these huge monsters. I tried very hard to prevent myself from escaping. 

“Come on No.1102, finish the last sound recording and then you can go back home.” I talked to myself. 

Finally, I completed my mission and quickly escaped from the horrible construction place. On my way back home, I couldn’t wait to tell my boss how awful the noise on earth was. I couldn’t understand why does he interested in this planet so much.