Documentary “THE TRUE COST” Reflection

With the development of the economy, people’s living standards have been continuously improved. The existing of the clothes not only to keep warm and cover up flesh, but also become a tool to self-satisfied with vanity. For me, I am a person who doesn’t like to buy the clothes of fast fashion, maybe because the quality is not very good that make people don’t want to wear it after a couple of months or less. I don’t like to put my clothes on garbage because I think that is wasted. So I rather like to spend more many to buy clothes can wear in the long term. But all the purpose is for myself, I never think about a group of people are suffered for fashion industry before I watch this documentary. Behind the glamour of the fashion industry is the “blood and tears of those workers. I think it’s wrong to exploit the interests of the majority of workers for the benefit of a few entrepreneurs at the top. Also, the environment is very polluted because of this industry like discharge sewage into rivers and burn toxic fumes from old clothes. The consequences of excessive consumption of our resources and environment are unimaginable. I think the best way to change the status is to find a way to replace fast fashion. I think those fashion companies can develop new material which can recyclable and biodegradable. And also limited production to ensure that market share is normal and there is no overproduction. For example, People Tree is a brand that using eco-textiles, including organic cotton, to the products sold by Fair Trade Company for their Fashion Collection. The popularization of the brand or company of using “sustainable manufacturing” is lacking in this society.

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