Color Across the Spectrum

This course is a total immersion in the understanding and usage of color. Students analyze the cultural, social, and psychological implications of color in everyday life. How do the current fashion and design fields incorporate and envision color trends over time in urban culture? How do harmonic complementary and discordant uses of color apply to nature? ……Continue Reading Color Across the Spectrum

Design for Presentations

In this course a range of visual narrative techniques will be introduced that can be used to communicate through the educated use of typography, illustration, photographs, sound, and video. Solid research, strategy, and ideas are amplified by great design! Through foundational graphic design methodologies, students will learn to articulate concepts and communicate their ideas……Continue Reading Design for Presentations

Explorations in Typography

Typography is an essential part of our everyday lives: in print, on screen, and in the built environment. This class explores the function and meaning of typography through an introduction to its history, theory, and practice in art and design contexts, including but not limited to graphic design, product design, illustration, architecture, and fine arts. Through short, conceptual exercises in collection, interpretation, type making……Continue Reading Explorations in Typography

Goal Setting and Professional Skills

While graduation may seem far away, it is never too early to begin developing your professional goals, skills, and materials. This course will prepare you to do so while demystifying the process of applying to internships, job positions, and award opportunities. You will simulate the search and application process by identifying a real-life opportunity as a model……Continue Reading Goal Setting and Professional Skills