Color Across the Spectrum

This course is a total immersion in the understanding and usage of color. Students analyze the cultural, social, and psychological implications of color in everyday life. How do the current fashion and design fields incorporate and envision color trends over time in urban culture? How do harmonic complementary and discordant uses of color apply to nature? ……Continue Reading Color Across the Spectrum

Concept Art & Illustration for Games

This course explores illustration for games and other concept art for media- including objects, characters/ creatures and environments. The course will consider the narrative development within games, mapping interaction and character elements. The illustrative expression of emotion and location will be explored in gesture, expression, texture and dimension…….Continue Reading Concept Art & Illustration for Games

Digital Painting

This course focuses on the basics of painting in a digital environment, with an emphasis on brush tools, color layering and composition. Acquiring painting practices with the Adobe suite, primarily in photoshop and illustrator, this course will build upon basics with a deeper dive into brush options and brush creation as well as advanced color tools. Students will begin the course with experiments and assignments……Continue Reading Digital Painting

Drawing the Figure

This course immerses students in a study of the human figure through projects that investigate both its form and its capacity to carry meaning within various cultural contexts. Perceptual observation, analytical structure, anatomy, motion, relationship to object, space, and other will be explored through a variety of techniques used to explore the body as the site for messages……Continue Reading Drawing the Figure

Drawing through the Making Center

In this course, drawing is the root of all making. Students will expand their use of traditional imaging materials and methods by utilizing the hands-on and digital technology within the Making Center. This broadening of two-dimensional creation will come from the use of etching and mono printing presses, reliefs in clay, laser cutting, and graphic plotting….Continue Reading Drawing through the Making Center

Dynamic Drawing

In this course students will learn how to use the basic elements of design – line, shape, value and color on a variety of surfaces as communication tools to explain complex systems. The design activities will explore how to focus the contents of the message on an audience through a variety of forms. This would include service images, icons, mind maps, mood boards……Continue Reading Dynamic Drawing

Goal Setting and Professional Skills

While graduation may seem far away, it is never too early to begin developing your professional goals, skills, and materials. This course will prepare you to do so while demystifying the process of applying to internships, job positions, and award opportunities. You will simulate the search and application process by identifying a real-life opportunity as a model……Continue Reading Goal Setting and Professional Skills

Observational Drawing

This course is devoted to building your skills in observational drawing from life. Working directly from models, still-life arrangements and on-location, emphasis will be placed on recording firsthand visual experience using a range of drawing materials: pencil, pen, charcoal and others. Projects will focus on the problems of seeing and describing fully realized forms situated in space……Continue Reading Observational Drawing


This course focuses on the basics of painting, with an emphasis on technical paint handling, color, composition and materials. Acquiring basic studio habits and practices, students begin the process of a visual and conceptual examination of painting today. Individual and group criticism, combined with field trips and discussion, expands perspectives within historical contexts…….Continue Reading Painting

Watercolor Explorations

Transparent watercolor allows for freshness in its washes and wet and dry brushwork. Historically, Egyptians ground their pigments and used water-based media on papyrus, Chinese and Japanese masters painted on silk. This analog course will incorporate experimentation with the portable, alluring medium. We will explore the meditative, relaxing quality of water-based manipulation……Continue Reading Watercolor Explorations