3D Modeling Techniques

In this course students learn analytical, and modeling techniques for representing abstract concepts, physical space and objects. The focus of this course is on the use of representation within design practice as a form of problem solving. Students work individually in workshop environments on projects to develop strength in modeling in a variety of media…….Continue Reading 3D Modeling Techniques

Concept Art & Illustration for Games

This course explores illustration for games and other concept art for media- including objects, characters/ creatures and environments. The course will consider the narrative development within games, mapping interaction and character elements. The illustrative expression of emotion and location will be explored in gesture, expression, texture and dimension…….Continue Reading Concept Art & Illustration for Games

Making Meaningful Things

In this three dimensional project based studio, students will explore the relationships between materials, techniques and form to design and build meaningful objects, installations and systems. How can a material be shaped to represent ideas through form? Using an array of methods and materials students explore the logic, history and production of the handmade object…….Continue Reading Making Meaningful Things