Above are some posters I created using my Javascript patterns from this week. These posters are inspired by my final project idea and serve to act as starting points to think about the kind of imagery I would like to include in my final work. I think from the experience of creating these I got to experiment more with the interactive aspects of p5.js, and learned more about the kinds of interactive elements that I would like to include in my imaginary exhibition. In the sketch I used for these posters, the interaction with the viewer mostly involved asking for input, however I would also like to create some sketches that respond to the viewers movements on screen, such as mouse position and clicking and pressing keys. A challenge that I foresee in accomplishing this, that I experienced in working on my sketches this week, was that it is difficult to decide how to transform the sketch in response to these movements. I think this is something that requires a lot more planning. Additionally, this week I think I became more comfortable with using functions as well as learned the difference between the looping of the draw function and the for and while loops that I was using. This was helpful as it enabled me to create much more interesting sketches at the end of the week compared to those I created at the beginning. Finally, I learned more about using the HSB colour mode, which was so helpful to learn as I observed that it creates much more interesting colours and smoother gradients than RGB (I could be wrong though, and maybe I’m just not using RGB correctly to create gradients!).