Bridge 1 – part II

This project is about to alter the picture or the art piece I have chosen and show the relationship between my theme “Environment” and this art piece. Furthermore, the artwork is based on the “What if” questions which are the outcomes from my classmate and me.


“What if” with my classmate

My questions:
Materiality: What if it is a painting instead of photography?
Content: What if people just make the picture out (it does not naturally look like that)?
Source: What if the pictures were found in a not reliable site?

My classmate’s questions:
Materiality: What if a computer generates this image?
Content: What if this picture is not only the old-growth forest but with lots of sunlight?
Source: What if you see this picture from the magazine?


The Original Picture I chose:

Altering process:

Oil paint filter:

Color altering:

Research of Magazine outline & Reference outline:

Magazine coverage making:

Process Bar:



I used magazine outline to alter this photo. As you can see I changed the texture to oil painting and I changed the color of the photo as well which reflect on the questions:
1.What if it is a painting instead of photography?
2.What if people just make the picture out (it does not naturally look like that)?
3.What if you see this picture from the magazine?
I used National Geographic as a reference to create a cover of a magazine. This picture was taken under the water by photographer Neil Burnell, he captured the striking environments void of human subjects. The fairytale-like atmosphere created by the thick fog, gnarled trees, and moss-covered stones of Wistman’s Wood in Dartmoor, Devon, England. I used this picture is because I want to tell people that there are some beautiful places in the world, and I don’t want them to do further damage to the earth, to our environment. The message that I want to express by the pictures I altered is to twist the utopia environment and change it to a magical nightmare scene. And I want to tell people to do some contribution to the earth and prevent the real nightmares to come forward. I wish it can be posters which list on the bus stops, metro stations, airplane, any crowded public locations to achieve my aim.


What I learned from this making activity was altering the photo and created a cover on the magazine layout. The material was successful. I like the way it is but I wish I can do further steps of this project which is print it out in a large size and put it on the wall. I want to see how’s the audiences’ reaction to it and get more advice to improve it.

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