Being the epidemic of AIDS few decades ago, New York City has lost a great amount of precious lives and a lot were very talented among them. However, despite the lost, NYC actually took quite some time to really identify the loss by building a monument for this tragic event. The place itself is located in the Lower East Side- a lot of the patients were treated in the hospitals around that area which makes the decision even more direct when it comes to remembering what happened in the past.
The design
aidsmem aidsmem2 <—–(click here for the higher resolution of the brochure)
I started out thinking about how could I integrate the design of the park into my leaflet design. And of course, the most noticeable is the triangle shaped layout. So for the background I used a continuous, across pages triangular color block. From this I hope to visualize the continuous effort of the people who are trying to look for the complete cure for the disease itself and on the other hand keep raising awareness of the people towards the event.
I wanted the leaflet to be informative but not overwhelming- so I have to find a balance and show what was really important. For the first draft I wrote a paragraph that states what is the purpose of the park and the brief explanation for the park’s design. However, my professor gave me the advice to just use the introductory text that is on their official website. I feel like this is a great suggestion since the information was edited to explain what the creators of this park really think.
For the leaflet itself, it is important to have first hand experiences. So I’ve revisited the park myself for more information. After the critique, Tony told us (the people that were assigned to this park) to further explore the characteristics of the park- the shape, the benches, the environment around, etc. Too bad that the emergency center wouldn’t let me go up to take a birdview picture- but he was right about the fact that the worst is I will get a no.
Looking forward to the finishing of the whole park!!!