sensory mapping project


This project basically is about using our senses and learning how to describe our experiences through different ways. The project was divided into two parts- first the blindfold exercise and next the deaf exercise. The main goal of the project (at least for myself) is to enhance my senses by paying more attention to utilize the other less developed senses (smell, feel and taste).

Part one- blind man

For myself, I used to like understanding spaces by first spending time with them and determine whether I like them or not (sometimes it’s love instead of only liking when some catches my attention a lot). However after this project, I’ve realized this method of experiencing space hinders discoveries. Since the project is all about learning the space from both the cultural and physical aspects, I’ve gotten the chance to see how does a space, for example a park, gets to interact (through different senses) with my mind.



Above is an image that I found on google- a visualized sensory map- that needs to be decoded. I think something like can be beautiful but rather confusing as a map. So I wanted to do something that is more straightforward.

Before we did the final product/ step of the project, we did a few exercises to help us warm up and sharpen our senses- further explore what can our bodies do for us when it comes to experiencing space. The first one was the blindfold exercise- we were leaded to a space in New School in pairs and we got blindfolded. Basically we will have to use all our senses other than sight to navigate and figure out what is near us- could be potential dangers, warmth, coldness, softness, all kinds of different feelings suddenly get confusing. This is what we almost miss every single day since we rely on our visions so heavily.


Chloe finding her way out in the library on the 6th floor, UC

  From the first blindfold, it is funny how we rely on our touching sense so heavily. (perhaps its the easiest one to use after the sight)

Part two- deaf man

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  The second time we did something different. Instead of being blindfolded, we were ‘earplugged’. We we assigned into another New School space- this time I would say was a lot more comfortable to walk around the space as I can pay more attention to my surroundings while being safe (not bumping into things). However, this time’s map is different- you lose your hearing and the space becomes something else. when the space is silent, suddenly other things pop out- and for me, it was the lights that caught my attention. I found out that lights in an interior is very important. They alone can determine the atmosphere of the space. Somehow I think we are attracted to bright things instead of hiding ourselves in the dark.

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