Project 1: Memory Mandalas


Project 1

Memory Mandalas:

explored the nature of Fake/True/Self through memories true and false and systems of representation that culminated in 2 self-portraits.

The project required defining and quantifying personality typologies, making icons of memorable objects/experiences and combining the subsequent data within a mandala adaptation. In-class exercises and outside assignments used traditional and digital formats as well as true and false memories.

Exercises incorporated aspects of the seminar reading/writing assignments as prompts for visualizations or sources of text excerpts.

A trip to the Rubin Museum was part of the field research.

Final Pieces

My two Memory Mandala drafts represent my juxtaposed personality traits. Each is authentic in different ways. The digital version of my Memory Mandala is perhaps the fake, or less authentic, version, as it is a portrayal of who I want to become but am not yet. The handmade version is the real version in that it is who I am now, but but it does not portray how I hope to be in the future. Click here to access the final presentation.

Digital / Fake

Handmade / Real











Process Pictures

In progress digital version of my Memory Mandala

This is a very rough sketch for the handmade version of my Memory Mandala. The idea is that this is the more genuine version because it represents my artistic freedom and carelessness that I eventually want to replace by technology and precision.

Rough draft of the handmade version of my Memory Mandala.

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