VR Inspirations and Thoughts

Cool VR Projects/ Ideas

  1. Experiences
    1. Fly like a bird using VR
      1. YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/gWLHIusLWOc
      2. Website: http://www.somniacs.co/
    2. Space Walk
      1. UploadVR: https://youtu.be/rK0PiEDtwkc
    3. 3D Drawing in VR
      1. Google: https://youtu.be/TckqNdrdbgk, https://youtu.be/91J8pLHdDB0
    4. Complete interactive experience: VR Suit
      1. The Three Body Problem
    5. Remote control objects/vehicles using VR
      1. Black Panther: https://youtu.be/sgX_StgXGF0
  2. Understanding topics in education through VR interaction
    1. Website reference: https://www.emergingedtech.com/2017/06/real-uses-of-virtual-reality-in-education-how-schools-are-using-vr/
    2. Human body: https://youtu.be/rrl5YZblQF0
    3. Medical animation: https://youtu.be/0A56uOVluNM
    4. Medical surgery: https://youtu.be/QYYSlU1SloY


Scary VR Concepts: Dystopian Future

  1. Controlling robot soldiers using VR
    1. Captain Gizmo: https://youtu.be/gqUv60pFi88
  2. Living in the VR world: loneliness
    1. Black Mirror: 51:30 (https://www.netflix.com/title/70264888?s=i&trkid=1417028)
    2. Wall-E: https://youtu.be/h1BQPV-iCkU

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