Survive | The War Against Diseases
Official Trailer
Produced by: AC Creations
Directed by: Akshansh Chaudhary
Motion Graphics: Introduction | Fall 2018 | MFADT
Survive is a fictitious film for which I released an official trailer as a part of my final assignment. The objective was to create the trailer for a film that doesn’t exist. So, with my background in pharmaceuticals, I wanted to show a war between humans and diseases, and how humans can fight against diseases through innovative use of medicines.
There were three elements to this project:
- Storyboard, Title, Script, Logo, Logline, and Style
- A draft version of the trailer with audio
- A final version of the trailer
Survive | The War Against Diseases | Official Trailer
Survive | The War Against Diseases | Draft | Official Trailer
Storyboard, Title, Script, Logo, Logline, and Style
Tools used
I used the following tools for this project:
- Adobe Illustrator: for creating vectors for Official Selection certificates, my logo, and Survive logo
- Adobe Premiere Pro: for arranging the clips and adding necessary transitions
- Adobe Audition: for creating a multitrack of audio clips and adjusting the audio narration for the trailer
- Amazon Polly: for converting text to speech for the trailer
- Cinema4D: for creating 3D animations of my logo (AC Creations) Survive Logo, and Official Selection certificates
- Adobe After Effects: for adding VFX, color, and text effects, and compiling the trailer
- Adobe Media Encoder: for exporting the trailer to MP4 format
- Adobe Photoshop: for designing the cover for the trailer
Special thanks:
Faiyaz Jafri: Guidance and Support
Aleksandr Shamaluev: Music
Amazon Polly: Narration Stock Footage VFX Footage
Note: As stated above, Survive is a film that doesn’t exist. All the elements, characters, awards, and clips shown used in the trailer are purely for the project.