Electronic Learning Portfolio

Bridge 2.2 Partner Design

Bridge 2.2 Partner Design

Brainstorming (in class) Inspiration Board Outside Research and Notes https://www.designboom.com/readers/new-royal-jet-capsule-luxurious-experience-water-02-05-2019/  (link above) The shape of this boat is similar to…
Bridge 2.1

Bridge 2.1

Day 1 Interview Recording and Notes Beginning Interview Questions  1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would…
Frame Time Map

Frame Time Map

FramesThroughTimeDESK-1z8ulq3   I had originally intended on creating a timeline of the art movements, but it was suggested that I…


PORTRAIT AND SELF-PORTRAIT PROJECT DECONSTRUCTION   Understanding Project Guidelines and Creating Sketches This portrait and self-portrait project involved several guidelines.…
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